Hire A Surveyor To Help You Find Your Property Lines
Posted on: 15 November 2021
It has been said that good fences make good neighbors, but in order to make good fences, you have to know where the boundaries of your property are. You don't want to spend the money building a good fence only to find out that you have put your fence on your neighbor's property. That isn't going to make anyone very happy, let alone anyone that you might already have disputes with. There is an easy way to make sure that you know where your property's boundaries are. That is to hire a surveyor to come out to your house and find the exact property lines. There are several things that a surveyor will do to find out your property lines.
Check Out Deeds
One thing that the surveyor will do is to check out the deeds for your property. The deeds should list where the property lines are, but sometimes that will vary from deed to deed, so the surveyor will try to go back to the oldest deed on record. They will also look for other records that might have information about your property lines. Doing this will give the surveyor a good place to start looking on your property as well as information that you can use in a dispute.
Walk Your Property
Another thing that the surveyor will do is walk your property. There are several reasons that they are going to physically walk your property. One is that it will allow the surveyor to match the descriptions of your property lines with any landmarks that might be listed and still existing. The surveyor and any team they bring will also take measurements while they are walking your property. Those measurements will show that your property is the size that it should be and that the property lines are where they should be. For example, if your deeds say that your property line starts 10 feet from the road, the surveyor will measure so that you know exactly where 10 feet is. The surveyor can also place GPS way pins along the way so that you have the exact GPS coordinates for where your property line, as well as put up physical markers at the corners of your property so that there aren't any further misunderstandings.
Good fences may make good neighbors, but clear boundary lines make for good fences. If you are worried about where your property lines are, hire a surveyor for boundary surveying services to come to your house to help you find your lines.